German / English
Univ. lect. Cornelia Kastner
Clinical psychologist, occupational psychologist, coach
Expert for stress & burnout
Coaching, counseling, treatment, diagnostics, neurofeedback
News – Events:
Stress management and burnout prevention in times of Corona
Workshops and keynote speeches on the topic
The global pandemic and the associated restrictions are causing considerable strain. That is why I am currently offering keynote speeches and workshops that focus specifically on dealing with the increased stress situation.
Open workshops:
SelbstsICHer – the workshop for young people aged 13 – 18
Special event:Self-assured through the crisis [on site, 1010 Vienna]
Next dates:
Thurs., 24.09.2021 16.00 – 19.00
Tue., 11.10.2021 16.00 – 19.00
Stress management and dealing with stress; special situation “Corona” [online]
Next dates:
Thurs., 14.10.2021 18.00 – 20.00 German
Fri., 15.10.2021 18.00 – 20.00 English
Participation fee: €38
Minimum number of 5 participants
Occupational group-specific workshops:
Stress management and burnout prevention for medical and nursing professions – Corona special situation
Stress management and burnout prevention in the home office
Dates and offers on request
Registrations to:

My main focus:
Stress/ stress management, burnout/ burnout prevention and reintegration into the world of work
In a study conducted by the Ministry of Social Affairs in 2017*, 44% of respondents identified themselves as being at risk of burnout or already affected by burnout. The under-30s and over-50s were particularly at risk.
But even behind these figures, there is still the number of unreported cases of people who do not yet consider themselves to be at risk of or affected by burnout, but are nevertheless regularly affected by stress. Once this feeling of “not being able to breathe” sets in, caution is advised: Chronic stress is hazardous to health and preventive measures must be taken in good time. There is no such thing as “too early” to take the first steps.
In my work as an occupational psychologist and clinical psychologist, where I deal with psychological stress caused by work and/or private circumstances on a daily basis, I repeatedly experience the same patterns of stress development. Based on this experience and the latest scientific findings, I have developed effective methods for counseling and treating those affected. You can find more information about my individual and group programs under the link below.